Friday, May 20, 2016

Rules for jousting, dueling and mellee

We are supposed to look up 3 sets of rules for Jousting, Dueling and Melee. We are also supposed to put the rules in our own words so we can understand them better. 

3 Sets of Rules for Jousting

Set #1

1.Only nobles and knights may ride in a joust.

2. The rider must have his own horse and equipment just incase he loses
3. At the signal  The opponents ride at each other carrying a lance and a shield  

4. You  can use 3 lances in each jousting match when your 3 lances have shattered the jousting match is over. However, the knights sometimes continue their battle on foot using swords or daggers

5. If you do not break your lance, it is considered a glancing blow, and does not count for points, unless you manage to unhorse your opponent in that charge

6. If a knight falls, only his own squire can help him. When he breaks a lance, only his own squire can give him a new one. During the match, only the knight's squire can talk to the knight, and only when resetting the horse for the next charge

7. The winner may choose to either take his opponent's horse and armor , hold his opponent for ransom, both of the above, or neither. It is the winner's choice so whatever he chooses is what will happen

Set #2

1. Whoever is jousting has to run four courses

2. In these for courses one knight should hit the other and scatter his lance

3.  If one knight breaks two lances while the other only breaks one, the one who broke two wins.

4. If the knight who only scattered one lance hits the opponents helm it is considered a tie and the winner will be chosen by them.

Set # 3

 1. If a knight were to knock down his opponent and the horse the one who fell with the horse would win.

2. If in the four courses they both only break 1 or 2 lances (not 3) and they both hit each other in the same spot it is considered a tie

Rule 3.  You get one point for breaking your lance on your other persons' chest

Rule 4. You get two points for breaking your lance on your opponent's helmet

Rule 5. You get three points for knocking the other person off from his horse

Rule 6.  An "unhorsing" ends the match

3 Sets of Rules for Dueling

Set #1

Rule 1: If the person apologizes the duel can be prevented.

Rule 2: If they would rather fight on, then after two shots each, one of them would explain it and the other one will apologize.

Rule 3: If they don't know who gave the first shot then the "seconds" would decide, if they can't decide then the matter must proceed to two shots, or to a hit, if the challenger require it

Rule 4: When the lie is the first offence the other person must apologize

Set # 2

Rule 1. Players must me in a ring and get to duel

Rule 2. One of them must be wounded for the other to win

Rule 3. The person standing is the winner

Rule 4. Must use the same weapon

Rule 5. Use long swords

Set # 3

Rule 1.  In duels with the sword, the seconds mark the standing spot of each combatant, leaving a distance of two feet between the points of their weapons.

Rule 2. The standing ground is drawn for by lots.

Rule 3. The swords are measured to ascertain that they are of equal length, and in no case must a sword with a sharp edge or a notch be allowed.         

Rule 4. When comparing weapons, the swords are found to different, the choice must be decided by chance.          

Rule 5. At the word ALLEZ, "commence," they set to, the seconds holding a sword or a cane, with the point downwards, and standing close to each combatant, and prepared to stop the fight the moment the rules agreed upon are transgressed.

Rule 6. Unless previously stipulated, neither of the combatants is allowed to turn off the sword of his opponent with the left hand; should a combatant persist in thus using his left hand, the seconds of his adversary may insist that the hand shall be tied behind his back.

Rule 7. Of course the combatants are allowed to stoop, to rise, to vault to the right or to the left, and turn round each other, as practiced in the lesson and depicted in the various treatises on the art.

Rule 8. When one of them exclaims that he is hurt or a wound is perceived by his second, the combat is stopped

Rule 9.The signal to stop is given by one second raising his sword or cane, when the other second cries out "stop," and then the combatants recede one step, still remaining in guard.

3 Set of Rules for Melee

Set #1

Rule 1. Weapons should be blunt 

Rule 2.No pointed weapon 

Rule 3. The Melee has to be probably organized

Rule 4.Only authorized combatants are allowed to carry weapon

Set #2 

Rules 1. The knight should have a younger knight dressing him up 

for the melee

Rule 2. Most of the games were fought individually but some times there were team competitions

Rule 3. Knights would be permitted to be equipped with whatever 

they wanted, but than again the sponsor could change the rules to 

whatever they wanted to

Rule 4. Each side must consist of the same number of players

Rule 5.  The one who best through their opponent off his horse would win 

Set #3

Rule 1. Armour must be worn at all times 

Rule 2. Once the opponent has been knocked down he cant be attacked any more

Rule 3. Knights would be on foot 

Rule 4. Weapons must be blunted 

Rule 5. To win the whole enemy team must be bested


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